Another Season, Another Google Page Rank Update!
Checking ones Page Rank with nervousness and hope!
My sites seem to have faired well! has gone from PR n/a to PR2, as has
this blog. also jumped to PR2.
Not as big an upwards jump as I got last update, when I got lots of my new sites to PR3.
None of my personal sites took a huge hit, which is sweet.
WoodsAndHillsPlc has stuck, as has
Web3GraphicsAs expected have spotted a fair few sites that have been penalised again this quarter. Most notably (AGAIN) sites that well selling links in superduper bulk got hit hard. Any more than 200 external links on a couple of pages and you are gonna be raising suspicions! Going over 120 non unique external links is generally not recommended.
Any had any problems? Any successes? Would love to hear from everyone...
Page Rank Tools
The quickest Page Rank tool in terms of sheer speed is of course an inbuilt Firefox addon/plugin like you are looking for more comprehensive
Page Rank mining (includes fake PR detection and multiple data centre checking) as well as a very well developed GUI - I rate: @ Web 3 -
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